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All you need to know Lucknow Mahotsav 2018

Lucknow: The Fascinating city of Lucknow has ever been associated with a rich tradition of hospitality, exotic cuisine and architectural grandeur.

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Lucknow Mahotsav is organized every year in the month of January / Febuary to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Lucknow. This year, it was organized from 24th January 2018 to 02nd Febuary, 2018 at Shilp Gram near Saheed Path, Lucknow.

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People enjoyed Lucknow Mahotsav at the Awadh Shilp Gram near Shaheed Path this year.

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Lucknow Mahotsav had around 250 stalls in the premises that are going to entertain the public for the next 10 days. Also, in addition to this, the organisers are planning to add more stalls this year.

The public also witnessed  some performances by artists and talents from across the country.

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Almost, all the rides, which were present in Lucknow Mahotsav in 2016 were also  present this year as well.


Exciting events like ekka races, kite flying, cock fighting and other traditional village games recreate an atmosphere of bygone Nawabi days. There is display of crafts and one can also have a taste of the famous mouth watering Nawabi cuisine.