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Read here what is the significance of ‘Half Moon mark’ in your hand

Read here what is the significance of 'Half Moon mark' in your hand

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New Delhi: As we all believe in our luck so it is believed from very long time that human fate is in their hands. According to astrology, all information from past to future of any person is hidden in their hands. Friends, today we will tell you the meaning of half moon mark on your hands.

So if you want to know whether you have half moon or not on your hands, then join your hands as same as shown in picture above. Friends, if you have the half moon mark on your on your hands, then you are very fortunate. Such people are very attractive. These people are willing to get love but feel embarrassed in front of other people.


Astrology, Luck, Half moon in hand, Half moon mark, Human fate, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


The person who have half moon mark on their hands are very sharp minded and they can solve very big problem easily. They people are very responsible person and have the quality of leadership.

* Heartline forms half-moon shape: As mentioned in the ancient scriptures, Palmistry has been a practice of foretelling the future through the study of the palm.

* Palmistry in ancient times: This ancient art has been a common practice around Eurasian countries, including, India, Tibet, China, Persia, Sumeria, ancient Israel and Babylonia.


Astrology, Luck, Half moon in hand, Half moon mark, Human fate, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* What do they represent? Palmists (Readers of palms) often focus on 5 lines: Life, Heart, Fate, Head and Marriage, through which they analyze person’s future. These fingers are symbolize the essential elements of earth: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

* What does it signify? The line which originates from the base of little finger, going towards the index finger, represents Heart Line. It is also regarded as the love line, giving an indication of individual’s emotional and physical relationships.


Know here what ‘Half Moon Mark’ tells about you of your life:


* Varies from person to person: You will find this line on both your palms, but often not in similar shape and size. Heart line not only varies in people, it even varies within the same person.

* Shape? When you bring both your palm closer, in order to match the base of both lines together, you may find an odd pattern, or a straight line, or a half-moon shape.

* Straight line: If the lines are at the same height, forming 180 degree angle, then it suggests that the individual possess calm, gentle, and compassionate nature. They like life filled with stable conditions, and dislike being around abrupt and disruptive people that may cause hinders within an otherwise smooth life. People with this kind of pattern, often settle in a marriage arranged by family members and friends.


Astrology, Luck, Half moon in hand, Half moon mark, Human fate, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


* Abrupt line: A person who heart lines form an abrupt pattern, with one of them going higher than the other, or going in different directions (upward-downward) indicates that the individual is often drawn towards older people and are wise and mature beyond years. They find it tough to keep mend with each and every person in their closer proximity, and hardly care of what people think of them. These individuals are 80% likely to settle down with someone much older to them.

* Half-moon: If the heart line forms a semi-circle or half-moon shape, it points to the individual being highly strong-minded and self-assertive in nature. They may not mind taking the bull by horns, if situation comes. Deep down they crave love deeper than depths of ocean, but wouldn’t go around asking for it. Such individuals are charming, attractive and chances are that they may settle down with their childhood best friend, or someone who swept them away from overseas.

* Lets find out about Marriage Line: Apart from this there is Marriage Line, which also has quite a few secrets hidden from your future. The length of lines, forks, islands, chains, etc reveal a lot about your married life. Not only will we guide you through correct studying of your palm lines, we will also offer your insight on your queries related to marriage and love life.


Astrology, Luck, Half moon in hand, Half moon mark, Human fate, Lifestyle news, Offbeat news


Possibility 1: Presence of multiples fine lines, maybe around four or five doesn’t mean that you will be married that many times. So, relax!
Possibility 2: If there are two deep-dark lines, one is long and the other one is short. Then the long one represents your marriage, and short one usually means a broken relationship.
Possibility 3: If your marriage line is longer or shorter than the other fine lines, it means you will be having an inter-caste marriage.
Possibility 4: Black dot, blemish or deep cross over your marriage line is a sign of bad luck to your marriage, scandalous journey, even a divorce!