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Weird Things every girl search on the internet when alone!

Side view of beautiful young woman dating online on laptop at home

Gone are the days when family members used to sit together and had fun. Going out with your friends to play or gossip has just become a memory. Now, people are getting more and more addicted to internet. It has become an inseparable part of our daily life. This technology has allowed us to gather any information only on one click.  All the information is now available on internet which has made our life easy. Mostly, people use internet to chat with their friends and family, watch online videos and to use social media websites. According to the studies, 29 to 30 percent of females in India use internet.

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Google has also recorded a significant uptake in search usage by middle-aged women (above 55 years). In 2015 this category outgrew the user base of younger women (15-24 years) and working women (24-35 years).

Interestingly, in terms of growth in ‘search minutes’, women outnumber men in younger age groups as well. In the 15-24 age group, time spent by women grew 110% as compared to 104% by men. In the 25-34 age group, time spent by women grew 108% as compared to 98% by men.

Google also revealed that there are more mothers using Google search compared with fathers. One in three (33%) women who are mothers are on the web, while only one in four fathers are on the web.

But have you ever tried to find out what your female friends or partner search on internet?

Here is a list of things women search on internet when they are alone.

Beauty tips and products

Image result for girl searching Beauty tips and products

Of course, every women wants to look beautiful and perfect, therefore, the first thing they search is beauty tips and products.

Online clothing websites


Clothes are what define our personalities and make us look different and unique from others. Women search for trending fashion and buy clothes online. They spend a lot of time in searching for their perfect dress

Dieting tips and exercise

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Slim and fit is the motto of many girls. They are more conscious about their health as compared to men. Most of the girls search for dieting tips and exercises.


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From handmade gifts to home décor, DIYs are one of the most searched things by girls on internet.