
Green Card made more inaccessible: Trump

Photograph of a U.S. Department of Homeland Security logo.

Washington: The administration of US President Donald Trump announced new rules on Monday that aim to deny permanent residency and citizenship to migrants who receive food stamps, public health care and other welfare. The new rules threatened to set back the citizenship hopes of millions of mostly Hispanic migrants who work for low wages and depend in part on public services to get by.

Trump announced that this decision is taken for the welfare of the citizens of America to allow more benefits to American Citizens. Announcing a new definition of the longstanding “public charge” law, the White House said the 22 million non-citizen residents of the United States who are using public services will not be able to obtain green cards or US citizenship. In addition, hopeful migrants will not be granted resident visas if they are deemed too poor and likely to need public assistance.

The move expands the Trump administration’s broad assault on immigration. The government has already tried to crack down on illegal border crossers. It has also stepped up arrests and deportations of the estimated 10.5 million undocumented migrants who live in the country, two-thirds of whom have been present for more than 10 years. The newest move seeks to limit the path to citizenship for millions in the United States legally, tying their future hopes to not using public assistance programs.

Pro-migrant activists announced they would file lawsuits to block the rules, and Democrats in Congress said they would fight what some called a “racially motivated policy.” Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, called the moves “a cruel new step toward weapon enabled programs that are intended to help people” and announced plans to sue.