Life Style

Marijuana use increases violent behaviour

Lucknow : Marijuana is considered to be a medicinal drug and if consumed for health purposes, it can be useful for a person.

But if taken in great quantity it can adversely affect your mental health.

 A group of researchers has found that continued use of cannabis causes violent behavior as a direct result of changes in brain function that are caused by smoking weed over many years.

The study which studied 1,136 patients with mental illnesses who had been seen five times during the year after discharge, took into account substance use and the onset of violent behaviour.


These results also confirm role of chronic cannabis use in patients with mental illness.

“An interesting feature of our results is that the association between persistent cannabis use and violence is stronger than that associated with alcohol or cocaine,” noted principal researcher Alexandre Dumais.

Persistent cannabis use should therefore be considered as an indicator of future violent behaviour in patients who leave a psychiatric hospital for follow-up in an outpatient clinic, although the researcher points out that this behaviour tends to fade with time.


The results also shows there is no reciprocal relationship, that is, the use of cannabis resulted in future violent behaviour and not the reverse

A recent meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies demonstrated that chronic cannabis users have deficits in the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that inhibits impulsive behaviour.

These results are important because they offer additional information to young adults, who can evaluate the risks of cannabis before deciding whether or not to use it.