If you are troubled by neck and back pain, then pay close attention to your sitting position. Sitting in a chair in the office causes your head, neck and back to ache continuously, so your sitting position can help you a lot in protecting from these pains.
Watching the computer bending your head too closely puts pressure on the neck, it can also affect the eyes, which can cause headaches, decreased concentration, scratching of the muscles and working longer.
“When your sitting position is straight, the muscles behind you support your head and neck weight,” explains Irick, an assistant professor at San Francisco State University.
“When you move the head forward at an angle of 45 degrees, your neck acts like a base, it is like lifting a heavy object with a long lever.
Now the weight of your head and neck becomes about 45 pounds. That is why there is pain in the shoulders and back and stiff neck. ” Eirik further explained.