Life Style

Know what sex is related to a good health, research revealed this

Do you also know that there is a big secret of sex relationship behind your progress and success.

You know that your progress or failure is related to your sex life. You must have felt very strange to read our words, but this sola coming is true.

Actually a research has found that if your sex life will be good, then you will achieve success very quickly from those people who do not give special attention to sex in their life.

According to the survey, sex relationship keeps a person healthy not just physically but also mentally, socially and spiritually.

It has also been revealed that married people are more healthy than unmarried people.

According to research, physical proximity affects your happiness, your health, mental peace and even your progress in functioning.

America’s National Longitudinal Mortality has conducted research on many married couples and couples living in relationships and has concluded that having sex can relieve stress.

More romance is helpful in looking young, romance increases memory, headaches, back pain is not a problem, blood pressure is controlled and the risk of heart diseases is reduced.

The research organization not only talked to married couples but also with the help of science, tried to understand what are the special changes in your body due to romance.

During sex, a hormone called adrenalin gland di-hydro-epiandro-steron is activated in the body. This hormone acts as anti-aging i.e. it is effective in preventing the effects of aging.

Activation of this hormone makes a person feel young and excited. It also increases blood circulation of the skin, causing a glow on the face.

A hormone called endorphin gets activated in the body due to good sex relations. Due to this, there is no facial frown.

According to experts, this hormone changes the mood of the person and he becomes happy.

Research has also said that romance also plays a very important role in reducing stress. If the loving couple’s relationship is balanced, they are encouraged to fight the odds.

They are able to cope with the situation better than a person living alone. The DHEA hormone that is activated during sex also helps to keep the mind calm. Because of this, the memory of a person becomes sharp.