In a heart-warming gesture, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has sanctioned Rs 10 lakh for liver transplant of a 4-year-old girl here at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Science in Delhi.
The Chief Minister responded to an appeal for help on social media.
Shiva Pandey, daughter of Satyendra Pandey, a private employee, is undergoing treatment and needs a liver transplant.
A family friend, Dayanand Pandey, posted an appeal for help on social media mentioning the condition of the girl along with the account and phone numbers of her father.
Gorakhpur information officer, Prashant Srivastava, confirmed that the Chief Minister has responded to the appeal and sanctioned a sum of Rs 10 lakh for the girl’s treatment.
The girl has been undergoing treatment for the last six months. Several others have also come forward to help the girl and more than Rs 8 lakh have been deposited in the account.
However, the estimated cost of the transplant is around Rs 30 lakh.