Determined to beat Covid-19, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath himself is on the front foot to assure people are provided with medical facilities and essential medicines to overcome the crisis. Aditayanath who recently recovered from Covid is personally visiting hospitals and villages to review the healthcare facilities and passing necessary orders.
He recently asked the government officials to follow the ‘3T’ formula of tracing, testing and treatment to tackle a rise in cases in both urban and rural areas. As a result, Uttar Pradesh has become the first state in the country to conducted as many as 3.7 Covid tests in a single day.
Notably, UP is the country’s most populous state with 20 crore people living in 75 districts. The state was one of the worst-affected states in the second wave of Covid.
According to the state government’s data, active cases in the state have come down by over 62 per cent since its peak on April 30. Recoveries in the state have outnumbered fresh cases in the last nearly three weeks and the case positivity rate has dropped to 2.4 per cent, according to the government data shared on Thursday. The positivity rate was around 19 per cent during the peak.
The Uttar Pradesh government had last week said that the successive lockdowns have helped in flattening the Covid curve and extended the restrictions till May 24. The government is providing free ration to nearly 15 crore people of the state and Rs 1,000 as financial aid to lakhs of daily wage earners whose livelihoods have been hit by the pandemic. Besides, the government is also providing free Covid vaccines to all.