Manoj Bajpayee has said that Tamils will be proud of his upcoming Amazon Prime Video series The Family Man 2 after call for ban on the show started gaining momentum recently. Several Tamil leaders have written to the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Prakash Javadekar, seeking a ban the show. People calling for a ban on the show allege that its trailer depicts Sri Lankan Tamils in a negative light.
Responding to the controversy regarding the portrayal of Eelam Tamils in The Family Man 2 trailer and the call for ban on the show, Manoj Bajpayee has said that many of the core team members of the web series were Tamilians and ‘have done everything possible to show their respect for the Tamil culture and sensibilities’. In an interview to an entertainment portal, the actor said, “Humare team mein jo main leaders hai, jo lead kar rahe hai iss show ko, khaas kar ke season two ko, yeh zyadatar Tamilians hai (The ones leading our show, especially the second season, are primarily Tamils). Raj and DK, Samantha (Akkineni), Priyamani, Suman (Kumar), who is the writer. Who can be a better person than these guys to safeguard the interests of Tamil people, friends and viewers? I don’t think anybody can be better than them. They are the people who have been leading this show, they have created this show, and they have done everything possible to show their respect for the Tamil culture and sensibilities.”
The actor also requested everyone to ‘please watch the show’. He said, “You will feel very proud of the show. This is one series which believes in diversity.” Manoj Bajpayee added that while the first season of The Family Man featured many talented Malayalam actors, the new season has ‘great’ Tamil actors. “Please watch this show and you will feel very proud of this show for the fact that it not only tells you a good story, but it also tells you how proud this show and the creators are of the Tamil culture and sensibility,” he said.
On Tuesday (May 25), the directors of The Family Man 2, Raj and DK, issued a statement after the show landed in the controversy. In the statement, they said, “Some assumptions and impressions have been made based on just a couple of shots in the trailer. Many of our lead cast members and key members of the creative & writing team are Tamilians. We are very cognizant of the sentiments of the Tamil people and Tamil culture and have nothing but the utmost love and respect towards our Tamil people. We have put in years of hard work into this show, and we have taken great pains to bring to our audiences a sensitive, balanced and riveting story – much like we did in Season 1 of the show. We request everyone to wait and watch the show when it releases. We know you’ll appreciate it once you watch it.”
The Family Man 2 stars Manoj Bajpayee in the lead role. It also stars Priyamani and Samantha Akkineni in pivotal roles. The trailer of the show was released on May 19. The web series is set to release on Amazon Prime Video on June 4. Raj & DK have directed the second season with Suparn S Varma.