Mahindra has announced a 5-door Thar which might be a delightful moment for Thar lovers. The automobile has already crossed the 50,000 bookings mark and a few variants also come with a tediously long waiting period. Mahindra is expected to release its 5 door variant in 2023.
Unlike the 2-door Thar that is aimed at individual buyers or primarily as a lifestyle vehicle, the 5-door Thar will be aimed at families who need that extra space – both in the rear seat and the boot – but still want the rugged appeal and capability of the Thar. As popular as the 2-door version of the Thar is, we expect the 5-door to be even more popular, especially considering the fact that the 5-door version of the Wrangler outsells the 2-door Wrangler by a healthy margin.
The added rear doors on the 5-door will mean a longer vehicle and a longer wheelbase as compared to the standard 2-door Thar. If we consider the Wrangler as an example, the 5-door version is about 15 percent longer overall and has a 22 percent increase in wheelbase as compared to the 2-door model. Expect a similar increase for the Thar whose overall length currently stands at 3,985mm and wheelbase at 2,450mm.