Uttar Pradesh (UP) Chief Minister (CM) Yogi Adityanath will meet Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP chief JP Nadda in Delhi. His Delhi visit assumes significance as it comes a day after senior Congress leader and prominent Brahmin leader Jitin Prasada joined the BJP.
According to reports, Adityanath will be in Delhi for two days. The Chief Minister is likely to meet Shah today and PM Modi and Nadda tomorrow.
Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh are just a few months away from now. The BJP has rushed its organizational leaders to tackle the crisis in its ranks. Senior BJP leader BK Santosh last week visited the state to review the functioning of the party. He had met ministers, MLAs, MPs and UP CM too.
Earlier this week, BJP national vice-president and Uttar Pradesh in-charge Radha Mohan Singh had dismissed the possibility of a cabinet reshuffle ahead of the polls. He had said that the Uttar Pradesh government and the organisation are moving very strongly.