Battlegrounds Mobile India is set to release soon as a teaser poster of the game has been recently shared on Twitter. While fans are eagerly waiting for their favorite battle royale to arrive in India, its developer Krafton has not yet shared the final date of release. Battlegrounds Mobile India is the Indian remake of the PUBG Mobile game that was banned in the country last year.
Battlegrounds Mobile India has hinted about the release in a post on Facebook that reads, “It’s almost time. Time for re-building memories, playing with your friends and celebrating with chicken dinner!”.
Some earlier reports suggest that the game could be released on 18 June, a month after it was available for pre-registration on the Google Play store.
Since PUBG Mobile‘s ban in the country, Krafton made several changes to the game, one being that it tweaked the game for its Indian players, including various in-game events and features. Krafton also announced that the game will debut with its esports ecosystem, including tournaments and leagues.
The game has been teased ever since its announcement. The developers shared two maps, Erangel and the 4×4 Sanhok. The developers are also set to bring a UAZ jeep and a level 3 backpack which the game players are familiar with.