Samsung will launch its new Galaxy smartwatches sometime this year. Few reports mentioned that the company will launch the Galaxy Watch 4 in Q2 2021. Samsung is also expected to launch the Galaxy Watch Active 4 as a successor to the Active 2. Rumors imply that the new Samsung smartwatches will launch in Q2 2021. As we get closer to the launch, some key details of the upcoming Samsung smartwatches have leaked online. According to tipster Jon Prosser, the Samsung smartwatches will go on sale on August 11. Let’s take a look at more details on the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 launch date, specs, and other leaked details.
Jon Prosser from Front Page Tech claims that the new Galaxy smartwatch will go on sale in select markets starting August 11. The tipster did not reveal the expected unveiling date of the new smartwatches. Reports in the past claimed that the Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch Active 4 will launch in Q2 2021.
Tipster Ice Universe had shared more details of the Samsung smartwatches a few months back. He claimed that the upcoming smartwatches will come with Android instead of Tizen. Both wearables will launch in Q2 2021. We can expect Samsung to unveil the two wearables at the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and the Galaxy Z Flip 3 launch event in July 2021.