The Delhi Traffic Police on Friday issued a fresh notification on the speed limit for all motor vehicles in the Nation Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. The decision came after the traffic police noted that unregulated speeding of such vehicles on the roads of Delhi was posing a threat to the lives of motorists as well as the passerby on the road.
The new speed limits have been implemented on an immediate basis starting June 8, according to an official notification signed by the Deputy Commissioner of the Delhi Traffic Police.
“We’ve revised speed limit under 4 classifications. For M1 category vehicles, the max speed limit is 60-70 km/h. We’ve made cabs/taxis speed limit at par with cars after this notification,” Meenu Choudhary, Joint CP Traffic was quoted as saying to the news agency ANI.
“Where the speed limit for cars is at 50 km/h, the speed limit for two-wheelers will be at 50 km/h but where the cars speed limit is 70 km/h, for two-wheelers it is 60 km/h,” she further added.
In addition, app-based cabs like Uber and Ola can operate their vehicles at a maximum speed of 50-70 km/h on most roads as they fall under the M1 category vehicles. This category also includes others cars and jeeps. However, the speed limit should be restricted to 30 km/h inside commercial markets, minor roads, and residential areas.
Also, the speed of all two-wheelers has been set at a maximum speed of 50-60 km/h at highways and flyovers. However, it has to be reduced to 30 km/h whenever the two-wheeler is in a residential complex, service roads, and commercial markets.
The Delhi Traffic Police has fixed the speed limit for all transport vehicles, including Gramin Sewa, TSRs, and Phat-Phat Sewa, at a uniform speed of 40 km/h.
If a person is found in violation of the above restrictions (more than 5 per cent of the fixed maximum speed limit) the Delhi Traffic Police shall take action under section 183 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. However, if the person is found to drive the vehicle within 5 per cent of the set rules, they can be excused according to the official notification.