Battlegrounds Mobile India fans are completely enjoying the beta version of the game that was released on Thursday, June 17. While the game is not officially launched, PUBG Mobile India fans are already downloading the game using APK, OBB links for Android devices as well.
It is no surprise that Battlegrounds Mobile India has been released with some changes. However, many users are facing problems in donwloading the beta version with either Google Play Store taking a lot of time to load or the message of the slot is full.
There are a lot of users who were able to download the Battlegrounds Mobile India beta version and are having a gala time, but, the ones who were not able to access the same, should check whether their phones support it.
As far as phone support is concerned, Krafton has already clarified that almost all Android phones will support Battlegrounds Mobile India. For this, the phone needs 2GB of RAM. Apart from RAM, another factor on which its support depends is regarding the Android version. Along with 2GB of RAM in the phone, the OS version of the phone should be Android 5.1.1.
Many mobile phones come with 2GB RAM nowadays because of which those users whose phone has less RAM than this cannot play Battlegrounds Mobile India. This includes smartphones like Tecno Spark 7, Samsung Galaxy M01 Core.
Most of the mid-range smartphones that fall in the Rs 20,000 segment can play Battlegrounds Mobile India well. If you want to live the full gaming experience, then you can play it on premium segment smartphones or gaming smartphones.
Another requirement to play Battlegrounds Mobile India is a stable internet connection. At least 4-5 Mbps speed is required to play this game. This will keep your ping very low and you will be able to enjoy playing the game.
Meanwhile, Krafton reportedly is all set to release more slots of the beta version in the coming days. There are Battlegrounds Mobile India APK and OBB download links available, however, you should try these links at your own risk as they are not verified.