Lenovo has launched its latest budget-range smartphone, the K13 Note. The device is currently available for sale in the Russian market, and it carries a price tag of RUB 12,490 (approx. Rs. 13,000). The smartphone is available in two colour variants which are Aurora Gray and Pearl Sakura.
The Lenovo K13 Note has, it is a rebranded version of Moto G10 to the core, with the exception being the size, STB, and supported video recording modes.
It sports a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a 60Hz refresh rate and 720 x 1600 pixels resolution. It is powered by a Snapdragon 460 chipset, 4GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage. This device supports 4G connectivity, 3.5mm audio jack port, dual-SIM, and USB Type-C.
Lenovo has launched its latest budget-range smartphone, the K13 Note. The device is currently available for sale in the Russian market, and it carries a price tag of RUB 12,490 (approx. Rs. 13,000). The smartphone is available in two colour variants which are Aurora Gray and Pearl Sakura.
The Lenovo K13 Note has, it is a rebranded version of Moto G10 to the core, with the exception being the size, STB, and supported video recording modes.
It sports a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a 60Hz refresh rate and 720 x 1600 pixels resolution. It is powered by a Snapdragon 460 chipset, 4GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage. This device supports 4G connectivity, 3.5mm audio jack port, dual-SIM, and USB Type-C.