The arrival of alpha, beta, gamma, delta and delta plus variants of the corona virus has once again created a stir in all the countries. About 48 cases of delta plus infection have been reported in 12 other states including many states of India like Maharashtra, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin is very effective on the alpha (B.1.1.7) and delta (B.1.617) of the corona virus. This has come to the fore in a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), America’s top health research institute.
The NIH did two studies on the blood serum of people who had taken Covaxin. In which it has been found that this vaccine is capable of producing antibodies that eliminate alpha and delta variants. Let us tell you that the second wave in India was more dangerous due to the delta variant.
The American National Institutes of Health says that our adjuvant has helped Covaxin to be more effective. Adjuvant is a chemical that increases the response of the immune system. It is usually used to enhance the effect of the vaccine. It helps the immune system make antibodies, which fight off antigens. It imports it from India, America and Europe.