Tata Motors recently launched ‘Dark’ variants across four of its models-the Harrier, the Altroz, the Nexon and the Nexon EV. Trim-to-trim, while the price difference between the Dark and regular variant of the Harrier is about Rs 20,000, it’s Rs 30,000 in the Altroz, Rs 44,000 in the Nexon, and Rs 29,000 to Rs 43,000 in the Nexon EV (ex-showroom).
The Dark variants just have cosmetic changes, so would you pay a premium of Rs 20,000 to Rs 44,000 for this? We deconstruct the premium.
The Harrier Dark is available in top three variants: XT+, XZ+ and XZA+.
For about Rs 20,000 extra, you get the following: A new shade of black as exterior colour and bigger R18 alloy wheels. The cabin has dark chrome interior package, black upholstery, Tata’s new tri-arrow perforations (with deep blue undertone to it) on the dashboard, and the front seat headrests sport ‘Dark’ embroidery. You also get a tyre puncture repair kit. Buyers also get a branded leather jacket, polo shirt and T-shirts along the Harrier Dark.
Prices start at Rs 18.04 lakh.
The Altroz Dark is available only in the top variant, the XZ+.
For Rs 30,000 extra, you get the following: A new exterior body colour, R16 alloy wheels with dark tint finish, dark chrome across the hood, and a dark mascot. The cabin has granite black interior theme, leatherette seats with tri-arrow perforations and blue deco stitch, and Dark embroidery on front headrests. It also gets a puncture kit. Buyers will get Dark-branded T-shirts.
Prices start at Rs 8.71 lakh.
The Nexon Dark is offered in XZ+, XZA+, XZ+(O) and XZA+(O) variants, in both petrol and diesel engines.
Unlike the Harrier and the Altroz, in the Nexon the price difference between the Dark and regular variants is up to Rs 45,000.
For this premium, you get a new black exterior body colour, R16 charcoal alloy wheels, silver belt line and a dark mascot. The cabin gets a black package, tri-arrow dashboard, black leatherette seats with tri-arrow perforations, and so on. It also gets a puncture kit and apparels including a trucker jacket, polo shirt and T-shirts.
Prices start at Rs 10.4 lakh.
Nexon EV
The Nexon EV Dark is available in top two variants: XZ+ and XZ+ LUX.
Changes include new exterior colour, R16 alloy wheels, and so on. Cabin changes, like in the Nexon, include Dark-themed leatherette upholstery with tri-arrow perforations and EV blue highlight stitches, Dark-themed glossy piano black dashboard with tri-arrow design, etc. Buyers also get jackets and T-shirts.
Prices start at Rs 15.99 lakh.