The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Sunday clarified that only 50 passengers would be allowed in a coach despite trains being allowed to run with a 100 per cent seating capacity. In a statement, the DMRC further said that standing inside the coaches won’t be allowed while adding that it would be mandatory for passengers to follow appropriate COVID-19 norms.
“DMRC would like to reiterate and make it clear that from Monday, even with these revised guidelines, a maximum of 50 passengers per coach are permitted, as against 300 prior to COVID-19. Entry to stations, therefore, continue to be regulated,” the DMRC said.
“In the wake of latest guidelines issued today, public will now be able to travel in Delhi Metro with full seating capacity from 26 July onwards till further orders. However standing passengers are still not allowed,” it added.
The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) had on Saturday evening issued fresh guidelines for the national capital, allowing metros to operate at 100 per cent capacity. It also allowed DTC and cluster buses to operate at full strength. Earlier, metro and buses were operating at 50 per cent capacity in Delhi.
“In the wake of latest guidelines issued today, public will now be able to travel in Delhi Metro with full seating capacity from 26 July onwards till further orders. However standing passengers are still not allowed,” it added.
The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) had on Saturday evening issued fresh guidelines for the national capital, allowing metros to operate at 100 per cent capacity. It also allowed DTC and cluster buses to operate at full strength. Earlier, metro and buses were operating at 50 per cent capacity in Delhi.