Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is very active on social media. She surprises the fans by sharing her new pictures every day. Taking this sequence forward, the actress has shared some of her latest pictures, which have now become a topic of discussion among the people. This picture is also special because it has been taken by Suniel Shetty’s beloved daughter Athiya Shetty. Anushka Sharma has shared many beautiful pictures one after the other on her Instagram account.
In her new pictures shared by Anushka Sharma, she can be seen in a white top, short white jacket and light blue jeans. The first picture is of Anushka in black and white. All the pictures shared after this are colourful. The beautiful as well as stylish avatar of Anushka Sharma is being seen in the pictures. Along with the fans, the stars are also commenting on the pictures of the actress. At the same time, the actress’s photographer Athiya Shetty has also made a heart emoji on Anushka’s post.
Anushka Sharma has also written a caption while sharing her pictures. She writes, ’10 thousand steps and some beautiful pictures along the way’. It is clear from this caption that Anushka and Athiya had gone out for a walk together, where Athiya has taken these beautiful pictures of Anushka. More than 8 lakh 90 thousand likes have come on this post of Anushka Sharma, while thousands of comments are being seen.