Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday expressed condolences after at least 18 people lost their lives in a road accident near Ram Sanehi Ghat in Barabanki. The Chief Minister directed the concerned officials to reach the accident site and ensure that the injured people receive proper treatment and directed to provide financial assistance to the deceased’s kin. “The death of people in a road accident in Ram Sanehi Ghat area of district Barabanki is very sad. My condolences are with the bereaved family. Praying to Lord Shri Ram to grant the departed souls a place at his feet and speedy recovery to the injured,” Adityanath tweeted in Hindi. Meanwhile, Speaker of Lok Sabha Om Birla expressed grief over the demise of 18 people.
“It is very saddening to know that a large number of people died after a truck rammed into a bus in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki. I express great sympathy to the family members of the deceased. May God gives peace to the departed souls and courage to family members of the deceased to bear the pain,” Birla tweeted in Hindi. On the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday, a truck rammed into a parked bus near Ram Sanehi Ghat in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki in which 18 people died while several people got seriously injured. As per Satya Narayan Sabat, Additional Director (ADG) Lucknow, 19 others who sustained injuries in the accident have been admitted to a district hospital.