Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday exhorted Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers in Baghpat district of western Uttar Pradesh to strengthen the party up to the booth level and start preparing for the assembly elections. He also asked them to go among the people to resolve their problems and popularize government schemes. The Uttar Pradesh assembly elections are due early next year.
The chief minister, who arrived in Baghpat on Thursday morning, met party office bearers and workers. He discussed various issues related to the elections and demands of the people in the district. He advised the party workers to assist people and officials in dealing with Covid-19 and serve the people in mission mode.
There is very less time left for the assembly elections, for which preparations should be started from now, the chief minister said, according to a BJP spokesman.
During a meeting, BJP’s Baghpat MP Satyapal Singh sought approval of several development proposals for Baghpat and the CM assured him that all demands will be considered, the spokesman said, adding that Adityanath said the work on a medical college in Baghpat will start in December.
After the chief minister’s helicopter landed at police lines around 11am, he went straight to the district hospital where he reviewed the facilities and interacted with doctors. He appreciated the efforts of the district administration and health officials in containing Covid-19 cases during the second wave and directed them to keep their preparations ready to deal with the possible third wave.
Later, briefing him about issues and problems in the district, party office bearers demanded a roadways bus stand in Baghpat, conversion of the J V Jain College of Baraut into an agriculture university, expansion of the Baghpat sugar mill’s capacity, increase the state advisory price of sugarcane and clear the dues of farmers.
The chief minister assured them that their demands would be taken care of.