Kia India has launched a special benefits package on the entry-level Premium variant of the Carnival MPV. Those willing to buy the particular four-wheeler can now get a special gratification benefit of up to Rs 3.75 lakh. The car’s original price is Rs 24.95 lakh, ex-showroom but after a cash discount of Rs 2.50 lakh, and benefits in kind which includes annual maintenance costs, extended warranty packages etc which are worth Rs 1.25 Lakh, the price comes down to Rs 21.20 Lakh.
According to a report, the buyer also has the option for choosing to avail the entire Rs 3.75 lakh benefit in the form of cash discount. The other two variants of the car including Limousine and Prestige have been made available with a cash discount of Rs 2.5 Lakh. No additional benefits are being offered in these two variants.
The Carnival MPV was launched in the Indian market during the 2020 Auto Expo. The SUV has been made available in three trims namely Prestige, Premium and Limousine. The car comes in a variety of seating arrangements starting from the seven seat configuration to the four-row nine seat configuration. The car’s interior is impressive as its seats are covered with nappa leather upholstery.
The vehicle is able to produce 200 hp power and 440 Nm of torque when teamed up with a 2.2-litre diesel engine. The oil burner comes paired with an 8-speed automatic gearbox. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of latest features in the cabin that support the latest car technology.
Although, this version of the Carnival which is being sold in the Indian market has been replaced by a new model in the foreign market. In India, the South Korean car maker launched the updated versions of Seltos and Sonet SUVs. As of now there is no news about any new launches that Kia is planning to make in India.