Bollywood actor Salman Khan has congratulated Neeraj Chopra for winning the gold medal in javelin throw at the Tokyo Olympics. He has tweeted by sharing a photo of Neeraj Chopra and said that keep working hard like this. This tweet of Salman Khan is becoming fiercely viral on social media. Twitter users are reacting fiercely to this tweet of Salman Khan. Neeraj Chopra created history with a stellar performance in the men’s javelin throw final.
Salman Khan tweeted about Neeraj Chopra: “Well done Neeraj, this is amazing. Congratulations God bless you. Keep up the hard work and dedication.” Salman Khan has congratulated Neeraj Chopra in this way. Let us tell you that Neeraj Chopra made India proud by winning the Gold Medal in Javelin Throw at the Tokyo Olympics. He has said that he did not feel the slightest pressure on himself regarding the final. His best effort of 87.58m helped India win its first gold medal in athletics at the Olympic Games.
Neeraj Chopra won the final with such ease that none of the 11 other contestants could come close to his second best throw of 87.03m. Neeraj Chopra also won gold medals in Asian Games and Commonwealth Games in 2018. He said that he would now focus on winning the title at the World Athletics Championships. In an exclusive conversation with NDTV, Chopra said that he will give his best for the next World Championships, which will be held in Eugene US next year.