On Wednesday (August 18), Hasin Jahan shared a bold photo of herself on Instagram. While many fans appreciated Hasin Jahan’s beauty some brutally trolled her for psoting a bold photo.
Hasin is looking very beautiful in this photo which has now gone viral on social media. It is a close-up shot where she is looking straight at the camera, wearing a rugged jeans and a black top.
It is to be noted that Shami and Hasin Jahan have been living separately for a long time due to some personal issues. The dispute between these two has been going on for a long time but the couple is yet to be divorced.
Just a few years after their marriage, Hasin had accused Shami of having relations with other women. It is important to note that no accusations have been proved to be true against Shami or his family so far.
Kolkata-based model Hasin Jahan and Mohammed Shami married on April 7, 2014, and the couple has a daughter.