Khushi Kapoor, the younger daughter of producer Boney Kapoor and late actress Sridevi, shared a few mirror selfies on social media on Tuesday. After Khushi shared ‘mandatory bathroom selfies’ on Instagram, her sister, cousins and friends could not resist from commenting.
Sharing the pictures on her Instagram account, Khushi wrote, “Mandatory bathroom selfies”, followed by eyes and peace sign emojis. In the mirror selfies, Khushi Kapoor can be seen wearing a broad square neckline white floral midi dress with puff sleeves, paired with white pointed stilettos. Khushi kept her hair loose and opted for minimal accessories with a necklace, two-three rings, and a bracelet. She glammed up the look with a beaming highlighter on the face, mascara on the eyelashes, nude lip shade, blushed cheeks, shimmery eye shadow and dewy skin.
Reacting to the post, Khushi’s elder sister actress Janhvi Kapoor wrote, “Can I bite your arm yay” and her cousin Shanaya Kapoor also posted a series of comments. Shanaya wrote, “Where is it”, and in another comment she dropped an emoji. Neena Gupta’s daughter and Fashion designer Masaba Gupta commented, “This bathroom and this dress with a chocolate heart emoji.” Director Anurag Kashyap’s daughter Aaliyah Kashyap shared a crown with a white heart emoji in her comment. Shahrukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan also dropped heart-eye emojis in the comment section. Talking about the dress, celebrity stylist Tanya Ghavri c ommented, “Love this dress”.