Emerging wearables brand pTron has launched a wide range of earphones in India. The company has unveiled one dedicated gaming earbuds along with three other true wireless earphones. Bassbuds Jade is pTron’s first-ever gaming earphones that come with high-tech gaming function, great sound quality and sleek design. Bassbuds Lite v2, Bassbuds Duo v’21, and Basspods ANC 992 are the other pair of earbuds, pTron has launched today. All four earphones come with affordable price tags.
Talking about the earbuds,Ameen Khwaja, Founder & CEO, pTron said, “From fit to features, we’ve closely listened to what our consumers desire in a True Wireless Earbuds. “Our new collection is not only full of exciting high-tech features and precision sound capabilities but also comes with an affordable price tag in line with our mission to make tech affordable & accessible to all. The new collection is a testament of our step closer to our goal”.
pTron Bassbuds Jade, Bassbuds Lite v2, Bassbuds Duo v’21, Basspords ANC 992: Price and availability
Bassbuds Duo v’21 TWS earbuds have been launched in India at Rs 999, Bassbuds Lite v2 is priced at Rs 1099, Basspods ANC 992 is priced at Rs 1699 and the Bassbuds Jade is available at Rs 1599. All the products are available on Amazon for purchase.
pTron Bassbuds Jade, Bassbuds Lite v2, Bassbuds Duo v’21, Basspords ANC 992: Specifications
Bassbuds Jade offers a playtime of 40-hours with its large 300mAh charging case and ultra-low latency of 60ms. It is the cheapest gaming earphone available in the market. The company claims that it comes with a high-end gaming function and sleek design. It is also not heavy unlike most gaming headphones, it weighs just about 4gm.
Bassbuds Lite v2 is another stylish pair of earbuds by Ptron. The company claims that earbuds offer 20 Hours of music, entertainment, and talk time with the powerful & super-compact 400mAh charging case.
Bassbuds Duo v’21 is the cheapest pair of earbuds that the company has launched. It is priced at Rs 999 but comes with features immersive stereo sound with deep resonant bass and IPX4 water resistance.