Shweta Tiwari’s sartorial choices have got the fashion police mighty impressed. The actress never fails to turn heads with her fashion choices and not just the fashion police but her fans are awe of Shweta’s dreamy outfits. On Saturday, the actress shared a set of pictures dressed in a green cape, crop top and pant set, and oh boy, she looks like a million-dollar dream. Not just fans, but her colleagues have taken to the comments section to talk about her stylish avatar.
In the photos, Shweta Tiwari can be seen dressed in a green abstract printed organza cape which came with chiffon pants and kantha crop top. Shweta has been styled by celebrity stylist Victor Robinson and her on-point make-up has been done by Deepak Durge.
She wore the crop top and pants set with a black and white heels. Shweta accessorised her look with a silver kadha which complemented the look. For make-up, she chose to go overboard on the eye make-up – kohl, mascara and dabs of eyeliner and eyeshadow. Needless to say, she looked stunning and pulled of the look perfectly.
If you love Shweta Tiwari’s dress and wish to buy it, you can purchase it from the brand Pallavi Jaipur. Her outfit is priced at Rs 25,000.
Shweta Tiwari became a household name after her appearance in Ekta Kapoor’s Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Shweta has appeared in a slew of television shows including, Mere Dad Ki Dulhan, Parvarrish and Ek Thhi Naayka, among others.