Vicky Kaushal has been busy with the promotions of his latest release Sardar Udham. The actor has received praises from several corners for his portrayal of Sardar Udham Singh in the film. In a recent interview, Vicky Kaushal was asked about his reports of his Roka ceremony with Katrina Kaif. In response, Vicky blamed the paparazzi for spreading these rumours and said that he will get engaged soon enough when the time is right.
In case you missed it, rumours about Vicky Kaushal dating Katrina Kaif have been doing the rounds for a long time now, but neither of the two has confirmed it yet. Recently reports about Vicky`s engagement to Katrina turned out to be false. In an interview with Etimes, Vicky responded to these rumours saying, “The news was circulated by your friends. I’ll get engaged soon enough, when the time is right.”
Katrina Kaif was one of the many Bollywood celebrities who attended Sardar Udham’s special screening held ahead of its release. The film, based on Sardar Udham Singh, who avenged the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, is garnering a lot of praises for the actor. Even Katrina took to social media and heaped praises. “@shoojitsircar what a vision, such a gripping beautiful film, pure, unadalerated story telling. @vickykaushal09 is just pure talent, raw, honest, heartbreaking (sic)” she wrote.
On the work front, Vicky Kaushal will be next seen in Sam Bahadur, The Great Indian Family and Mr Lele. Katrina Kaif, on the other hand, will soon be seen in theatres on Diwali, alongside Akshay Kumar in Sooryavanshi. She also has Phone Bhoot and Tiger 3 coming soon.