Actor Major Bikramjeet Kanwarpal, who featured in numerous movies in a career of almost 2 decades, passed away of COVID-19 at 52. Tributes poured in.
The second wave of COVID-19 is on a deadly spree at the moment, with over 3 lakh cases and 3000 deaths being recorded on a daily basis. As per reports, one of the latest casualties of the coronavirus was from Bollywood, Major Bikranmjeet Kanwarpal. He breathed his last at age 52.
Tributes poured in for the actor from members of the film industry. Filmmaker and IFTDA President Ashoke Pandit was among the first to inform about the untimely demise on Twitter and reveal the cause of death as COVID-19. Rohit Roy expressed his grief and shock and termed him as ‘happiest, most gentlemanly, always positive and smiling.’
Born and brought up in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, Major Bikramjeet was son of an Army officer Dwarka Nath Kanwarpal, a recipient of the Kirti Chakra 1963. Major Bikramjeet served the nation after being commissioned into the Army in 1989 and was associated with the 4th Horse regiment. As per reports, he retired as a major in 2002.