An FIR has been registered against Bollywood actors Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani for violating COVID-19 norms in Mumbai. The police confirmed the same in a tweet today morning, which took a dig at the actors, without actually naming them. It suggested that going “Malang” on the streets cost the two actors dearly and that Mumbaikars should avoid unnecessary “Heropanti”. The ‘Baghi’ actors were pulled over last night while roaming near the Bandra bandstand in the evening.
Making references to the actors’ movies such as Malang, Heropanti and War, the tweet read: “In the ongoing ‘War’ against the virus, going ‘Malang’ on the streets of Bandra cost dearly to two actors who have been booked under sections 188, 34 IPC by Bandra PStn. We request all Mumbaikars to avoid unnecessary ‘Heropanti’ which can compromise on safety against #COVID19.”
According to a news report, Disha and Tiger were enjoying a drive around Bandra after their gym session. An official told PTI that Shroff was “roaming outside” without a valid reason. “A police team spotted Shroff roaming in the Bandstand area in the evening. When questioned, he couldn’t give a satisfactory reply to why he was roaming outside. Police took down his details and registered a case under section 188 (Disobeying the order of public servant) of the IPC.”
Image Credit: Twitter/MumbaiPolice
How Mumbai Police won Twitter
Dubbed the “Amul of government social media accounts,” Mumbai Police’s witty and relatable social media content has been making waves. It uses pop culture references to create awareness and urge citizens to follow rules.