Samantha took to Instagram stories to react to the rumours surrounding her split with Naga Chaitanya. She said that the personal attack on her has been relentless but added that nothing can break her. Ever since she announced her separation from Naga Chaitanya, rumours about how she has had affairs outside of marriage and abortions have been all over the news.
Taking to Instagram stories, Samantha said that the personal attack on her is relentless. She also spoke about people accusing her of having affairs outside of marriage and abortions. Some even claimed that Samantha never wanted a child, which was one of the reasons that led to the divorce.
Her statement:
Your emotional investment into a personal crisis has overwhelmed me. Thank you all for showing deep empathy, concern and for defending me against false rumours and stories that are being spread. They say I had affairs, never wanted children, that I am an opportunist and now that I have had abortions. A divorce in itself is an extremely painful process. Let alone allowing me the time to heal. This attack on me personally, has been relentless. But I promise you this, I will never allow this or anything else they say, break me.
Here’s the post:
The quote by Farida reads, “If matters are constantly morally questionable when done by women, but not even morally questioned when done by men – then we, as a society, fundamentally have no morals (sic).”
Here’s the post:
A few days ahead of their wedding anniversary, Samantha and Naga Chaitanya announced that they are separated. Reportedly, Samantha refused to recieve alimony of Rs 200 crore from Naga Chaitany and her family. Their divorce came as a huge shock to fans.