It is a working birthday for Aditya Narayan. The anchor-actor-singer, who dubs himself a workaholic, also believes that a celebration is best avoided during the pandemic. “I will meet my parents, and then spend some time with my wife Shweta. We can watch movies and order some good food. I think that’s my idea of a good time,” Aditya shared, in an exclusive chat with
Calling the past year super eventful, the 34-year-old shared that he was worried in the initial months, given that work was at a standstill. “I had already proposed to my girlfriend and was waiting to get married. I was stressed how would everything happen,” he said adding that he is thankful that work resumed. He got married, even managed honeymoon as the cases dropped. “And since then, we have been on an extended honeymoon, spending all our time at home,” Aditya says.