Realme has a launch party on June 15 where the Snapdragon 888-controlled Realme GT 5G will make its worldwide introduction. We additionally discovered that the brand’s first PC and tablet also will make an appearance during the occasion which is booked for early afternoon GMT.
As indicated by the press message, the cell phone business of Realme has developed “huge amounts at a time” and now it’s the ideal opportunity for the brand to bring more “jump forward items” to more buyer gadgets classes.
The future PCs and tablets, dispatched by Realme, will be profoundly incorporated with Realme cell phones and different items from the AIoT biological system to supply fans and clients a consistent client experience.
Having a laptop and a tablet in its portfolio is not only a first for Realme, but for all BKK Electronics brands in general. The list of Realme products includes smart devices like TV, 360-degree cameras, watches, bands, scales, light bulbs, and many more.
They are all part of the company’s 1+4+N strategy that saw nearly 50 AIoT products launched in 2020, with 100 more expected to arrive by the end of this year.