Akshay Kumar and Vaani Kapoor’s upcoming film ‘Bell Bottom’ is all set to hit the theaters tomorrow. There have been few occasions in the Kovid period when a big film of a superstar has been released. Now the bang opening of Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Bell Bottom’ is also being speculated. Film trade expert Atul Mohan has given his opinion regarding the opening of the film.
Film trade expert Atul Mohan says about Akshay Kumar’s ‘Bell Bottom’: “Theatres are not open in many parts of the country. Even those that are open are running at 50 per cent capacity. So the film will be on day 3 on the first day. 4 crores can earn.” Atul Mohan has given his opinion on the opening of the film like this. Even if the film earns so much during the Kovid period, then it will be considered good. Now after the release of the film, it has to be seen whether it performs at the box office as expected or more.
Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Bell Bottom’ is produced by Vashu Bhagnani along with Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani. Directed by Ranjit M Tiwari, the film is a 1980s story written by Aseem Arora and Parvez Shaikh. Along with Akshay Kumar and Lara Dutt, Huma Qureshi and Vaani Kapoor will also be seen in it. The film is releasing on 19th August.