Aryan is the eldest son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Arbaaz Merchantt is a very close friend of Aryan, while Munmun Dhamecha belongs to a business family. Munmun, 39, is a fashion model and she was arrested along with Aryan and Arbaaz on October 3.Munmun belongs to Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district but no one from her family lives in Sagar now. According to reports, Munmun’s mother had passed away in 2020. Munmun’s father Amit Kumar Dhamecha died few years ago. Munmun’s brother Prince Dhamecha lives and works in Delhi.

Munmun is quite active on social media and she has 10.2k followers. Munmun’s last post was a photo of herself on September 22. She follows Akshay Kumar, Vicky Kaushal and several other celebrities on Instagram.

Meanwhile, Arbaaz Merchantt is apparently an actor who has been on good terms with star kids and actors of the industry. As far as his social media presence is concerned, Arbaaz’s official Instagram account is private. On the photo-sharing app, he has roughly 30.5k followers.