While Sooryavanshi is minting money at the box office all across the country, money is also apparently pouring in from other sources in equal measure. Word is that the Akshay Kuamr and Katrina Kaif starrer has fetched a whopping price of Rs. 65-70 crore from its OTT deal, which has been sold to Netflix. Now coupled with that deal and the Rs. 100 crore nett+ that the movie has already raked in at the domestic box office, to go with its overseas and satellite rights, the Rohit Shetty directorial has already brought in anywhere between Rs. 200-210 crore business.
Take away about Rs. 50-60 crore nett of that for the exhibitors (theatre owners) from its domestic box office collection, and Sooryavnashi has accumulated about Rs. 160-170 crore in its coffers for its makers, needing another Rs. 30-40 crore to be declared a clean hit at the box office.
As for when the Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif starrer will stream on Netflix, well as per reports, the deal has been struck so with the makers that the Rohit Shetty will probably be available on the OTT platform from 5th December onward, exactly a month from its theatrical release date, which is kind of a normal window in today’s times, and used to be the norm even before lockdown hit. However, certain single screen and multiplex owners are apparently not too enthusiastic as they opine in today’s times, the window needs to be larger to ensure the audience comes to cinema halls and not wait it out to watch a movie on OTT.