Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is all set to work once again after becoming a mother for the second time. There have been reports that she has been approached to play the mythological character, Sita, in the adaptation of the Hindu epic Ramayana. There were reports that she has demanded a whopping fee of Rs 12 crore from the makers of the film. She usually charges Rs 6 crore to Rs 8 crore for a film. The hike in her fee did not go down well with people and they got offended and took to social media to express their outrage.
Netizens alleged that Kareena is hurting their religious sentiments by demanding a hefty amount to play the role in Alaukik Desai’s upcoming film. #BoycottKareenaKhan began trending on Twitter.
Many said the Good Newzz actor was not fit to play the character.
Some even went to the extent to boycott the director of the film for planning to cast Kareena.
One of the social media users also dragged in the star’s husband and actor Saif Ali Khan and alleged that like he had earlier hurt Hindu sentiments with his web series Tandav, now Kareena is following in his footsteps.
Meanwhile, the mythological drama’s writer K V Vijayendra Prasad earlier clarified that the Jab We Met star has not yet been finalised for the role. But despite this statement, the anger trolls do not seem to calm down. Earlier there were reports that the makers are also considering Deepika Padukone to essay the character.
The movie will feature Mahesh Babu in the role of Rama and Hrithik Roshan is likely to play the character of Ravana. The big-budget film will be co-produced by Madhu, Allu Arvind and Namit Malhotra. It will be shot in 3D. Apart from Hindi, the movie will also be released in Tamil and Telugu languages.