Ankita Lokhande made a comeback on social media on Sunday, June 13, ahead of the first death anniversary of Sushant Singh Rajput. The actress took a break from social media a few days back. On her return, she posted a few pictures posing in front of the Mumbai sea. In a post, the actress also shared a photo with her boyfriend Vicky Jain. Ankita also organized a special puja for Sushant Singh Rajput on his first death anniversary. In her Instagram stories, she shared photos of the prayer set-up. Sushant was found dead at his Mumbai flat on June 14, 2020.
Returning from her social media break, Ankita Lokhande shared some pictures on Instagram. In two posts, the actress is seen posing in front of the sea. In the third post, Ankita is with her boyfriend Vicky Jain. She captioned the photo, “Perfect Together!”
Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande were in a relationship for six years before their breakup in 2016. The actors first met on the sets of Ekta Kapoor’s Pavitra Rishta. They soon started dating each other and started living together and also bought a flat. However, this relationship did not last long. In 2013, Sushant made his Bollywood debut with Abhishek Kapoor’s Kai Po Che.