Apple iPhone 12 (128 GB) is getting a massive price cut at the ongoing Flipkart Big Saving Days sale. At the moment, the smartphone’s Black colour unit is retailing at Rs 62,999 instead of the MRP Rs 74,900. Notably, users can further lower the selling price by bundling the smartphone with deals such as exchange offer worth up to Rs 19,250 and instant discount of up to Rs 750 with ICICI debit and credit card. During our test, we tried to exchange an iPhone 7 that carries a value of roughly Rs 4,000 on the e-commerce platform. Customers can also check out the EMI payment method at starting Rs 2,154 per month. Interested buyers must make the purchase at the earliest as prices tend to fluctuate during sale events. The iPhone 12 mini stocks can also run out before the Flipkart sale ends on July 29.
At the time of writing this article, the 64GB unit of the iPhone 12 mini is retailing at Rs 57,999, down from MRP Rs 69,900. The 256GB variant is available at MRP Rs 72,999 instead of MRP Rs 84,900 at the Flipkart sale. Customers can choose between Black, Blue, Green, White, and Red colour options. There’s also a purple colour variant available that carries no price cuts.