Pre-orders for Apple Watch Series 7 in India will go live from 5.30 PM today. The pre-orders will begin online on the Apple India Store and Apple Authorised Resellers. Sales of the smartwatch, however, will only begin on October 15.
Apple launched the Apple Watch Series 7 alongside the iPhone 13 series in September. The smartwatch features an IP6X dust-resistant design and two display variants – 41mm and 45mm. The Apple Watch Series 7 also supports faster charging.
Apple has priced the Watch Series 7 in India at Rs 41,900. Apple will make the Watch Series 7 available for pre-orders in over 50 countries and regions, including Canada, Australia, France, Germany, China, Mexico, Japan, Russia, the United Aram Emirates, the UK, the US, and South Korea.
The Apple Watch Series 7 will come in five new aluminium case finishes – Midnight, Green, Starlight, New Blue, and Red. It will also make Stainless Steel models in Graphite, Gold, and Silver. The Apple Watch Edition will be available in Titanium and Space Black Titanium shades.