Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, and the son of Boney Kapoor, is known for being very easy-going and straightforward. Whether it is a relationship with Malaika Arora or living like a family with Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. After Sridevi’s death, he has come closer to Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, but in an interview to Bollywood Bubble, he candidly said that we are now two different families trying to unite and live together. In this way Arjun Kapoor has spoken his words with truth.
Arjun Kapoor said in this interview, ‘If I say that we are a perfect family then it would be absolutely wrong. It is not about divergent thinking but we are still separate families trying to unite and live together. We have a wonderful time together but we are still not a unit. I don’t want to lie that everything is perfect. It can’t be perfect, because we are still trying to figure things out.
Boney Kapoor married Mona Shourie in 1983 and the couple got divorced in 1996. Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor are Boney and Mona’s children. Then Boney Kapoor married Bollywood actress Sridevi on June 2, 1996. Sridevi passed away on February 24, 2018 in Dubai. Since then Arjun Kapoor has come close to Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, he can often be seen spending quality time with them.