Actor Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are currently basking in the success of their film Shershaah, based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra. Not only Sidharth’s portrayal of the war hero, but his chemistry with his rumoured girlfriend and co-star Kiara has also been a hit among fans. There has been strong speculation about Sidharth and Kiara being more than close friends, and their photos during the promotions of the film fuelled the rumours more.
Now, the actor has opened up about his wedding plans. “I feel it is something that will take its course. That film production has not happened yet. I don’t have the story, script, or cast ready for that. As and when it happens, or falls into my lap, I will let everyone else know,” Sidharth told Hindustan Times.
During an earlier interview with Bollywood Bubble, Sidharth addressed his equation with Kiara, as well as what he likes about her. After hearing that a fan wanted him and Kiara in a ‘hardcore romantic’ film, he said, “Absolutely. The love that we have gotten for Vikram and Dimple on screen, also because we’re limited, it’s the first time we’re working on a love story… it’s got that classic vibe. She brings in a great amount of emotions and climax to the film. I think because it’s true, that’s why people are connecting. Hopefully, it’s a matter of time of picking a correct script and a correct director, we’ll hopefully come back with a love story, soon.”
Asked about the qualities he likes in Kiara, Sidharth said, “What I like is that off-camera, her demeanour is unlike a film-actress, she has a sense of regular person to herself, which I appreciate and admire because I’m a regular off-camera, which is cool and easy.”