Bollywood actress Preity Zinta has welcomed twins via surrogacy. She shared the good news with her followers on Twitter as she posted an image of her husband Gene Goodenough. Preity and Gene have become parents to twins, a boy and a girl, named Jai and Gia.
Announcing the happy news, Preity wrote on social media, “Hi everyone, I wanted to share our amazing news with all of you today. Gene & I are overjoyed & our hearts are filled with so much gratitude & with so much love as we welcome our twins Jai Zinta Goodenough & Gia Zinta Goodenough into our family. We are very excited about this new phase in our lives. A heartfelt thank you to the doctors, nurses and to our surrogate for being part of this incredible journey. Loads of love and light – Gene, Preity, Jai & Gia (sic).”
Hi everyone, I wanted to share our amazing news with all of you today. Gene & I are overjoyed & our hearts are filled with so much gratitude & with so much love as we welcome our twins Jai Zinta Goodenough & Gia Zinta Goodenough into our family.
— Preity G Zinta (@realpreityzinta) November 18, 2021
Preity and Gene married each other in 2016 and ever since the actress has been living in the USA. Many congratulatory messages poured in on Preity’s feed on Twitter. As per reports, Preity is 46 when she has become mother via surrogacy.