Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan`s son Aryan Khan was taken into custody by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) from a high-profile cruise party in Mumbai. He was then taken into judicial custody and his bail plea is currently being heard in court. Amid this, Salman Khan`s ex-girlfriend Somy Ali has penned a note in his support on Instagram.
Ali shared a picture of Aryan Khan on her Instagram post and penned a long note on the ongoing matter. She also wrote her heart goes out to Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan. “What kid has not experimented with drugs? Give me a big freaking break! And let this kid go home. Drugs, similar to prostitution, will never go away which is why both should be decriminalized. This is the epitome of a kid being a kid scenario. No one is a damn saint. I tried pot when I was 15 and then again with Divya Bharti during the shooting of Andolan. No regrets!” [sic] read her post.
She added, “The judicial system is using Aryan to prove a point as this child suffers for no damn reason. How about the judicial system focus on catching rapists and murderers instead?!” [sic]
Not only Ali, a lot of members of the fraternity like Hrithik Roshan, Raveena Tandon, Pooja Bhatt, Mika Singh, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi also came out in support of Aryan, Shah Rukh, and Gauri Khan. Salman Khan, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Khan, Alvira Khan Agnihotri, Farah Khan paid a visit to SRK to be with him in these times.
Fans of the superstar have also been lining up outside his residence Mannat for the last few days and showering love and support to his family by displaying posters and placards.