Isuzu have launched a new trim of the D-Max called the Hi-Lander with a price tag of Rs 16.98 lakh. This new base trim will use the same motor as the standard V-Cross i.e., the 1.9 litre turbo-diesel 4-cylinder that make 163bhp and 320Nm of torque. Although it does get the bit of a short stick when it comes to features. The prospect of a fully rear-wheel drive D-Max on a budget is still quite promising in itself.
The only difference is that the Hi-Lander will only be available with a 2WD system and there will be no automatic option for this trim. In terms of features being the bottom end trim, the highlander only gets 16-inch wheels with wheel covers. Theres a 6-way adjust but it’s only for the driver’s seat
Air-conditioning and power windows are standard as well, but the air-conditioning system is a budget friendly manual system as opposed to an automatic climate control.