A case of strange behavior of the famous Maulana of Bangladesh has come to light. In which he has issued a fatwa against Facebook’s ‘Haha’ emoji. A few days ago, Maulana Ahmadullah posted a three-minute video and discussed making fun of people on Facebook. Shortly thereafter he issued a fatwa.
Maulana Ahmadullah has more than 3 million followers on Facebook and YouTube. He frequently appears on TV and debates religious topics in Muslim-majority Bangladesh. He shared a 3-minute video of himself on Saturday and mentioned ridiculing people on Facebook. He then issued a fatwa. Also told how it is ‘haram’ for Muslims. Ahmadullah said, ‘Nowadays we use the Haha emoji of Facebook to make fun of people.’ His video has been viewed 20 lakh times so far.
Maulana Ahmadullah said, ‘If you use Haha emoji just for fun and that is also the intention of the person who posted the content, then it is fine. But if the intention of your response is to ridicule or taunt the person who posted or comment on social media, then it is completely haram in Islam. For the sake of Allah I would request you to avoid this work. Don’t use haha emoji to make fun of someone. If you hurt a Muslim, he will use language that you would not have thought of.
This video has been viewed more than 20 lakh times so far.