Proxecto launches India’s first fully automatic hybrid tractor with no battery packs at Rs 9.49 lakh for the base HAV S1 50HP model, and Rs 11.99 lakh (both prices ex-showroom, India) for the top-of-the-line HAV S1+ 50HP with AC cabin variant. The HAV tractor was first showcased in the world’s largest Agritechnica event in Germany in November 2019. The company claims more than two dozen convenient features are introduced with the range.
The HAV tractors series consists of two models, 50 S1 model being a diesel hybrid and 50 S2 a CNG hybrid. The company claims that the S1 model saves fuel by 28 per cent compared to conventional tractors and up to 50 per cent on the S2 model. It is a self-energizing technique as the role of the engine here is to provide current only to electric motors and other components. This tractor is fully automatic, using all-wheel electric drive technology (AWED). It has neither gear nor clutch but it has three simple driving modes, including forwarding, neutral, and reverse.
The company claims that this tractor has a special steering system with Max Cover Steering (MCS), which has a turning radius of just 2.7m (front-steer, all-steer, crab-steer). It has wheel independent suspension for height adjustment, which helps in adjusting the wheels according to the height. The company has also introduced features such as a steering-mounted HMI display, which helps to operate the features. Apart from this, some other features have also been provided which help in easing the work of the farmers in the field. The company is offering a 10-year limited warranty for it.