Star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra created history by becoking the first India to win gold medal in track and field category at recently concluded Tokyo Olympics. The success at Tokyo Olympics did wonders for Neeraj Chopra as his Instagram followers increased by 1.1 million in only one day. This shows that Neeraj’s popularity jumped within no time.
Since his historic Olympics gold medal, Chopra’s brand value has jumped manifold. According to reports, Neeraj Chopra’s brand value has increased by 1000 per cent.
Neeraj Chopra’s endorsement fee is now equal to Team India skipper Virat Kohli and CSK captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Even before claiming the gold medal at Olympics, Neeraj Chopra was the face of some known brands like Nike, sports drink brand Gatorade, ExxonMobil and MuscleBlaze sports supplements.
Talking to a leading daily, Mustafa Ghouse, chief executive of JSW Sports said that now that Chopra’s brand value has incraesed the old deals will also be revised.
“While we have requests from close to 80 brands, Neeraj has a limited number of free days between training camps in India and abroad over the next 12-14 months, so we have to be selective about signing on brands,” Ghouse added.
Earlier, Neeraj Chopra’s fees ranged from 15-25 lakhs but he has now entered the big leage. While Kohli and Dhoni take home between Rs 1 to 5 crore it is expected that Neeraj Chopra may get more than these two star cricketers.
According to Business Line, Neeraj Chopra has already inked a deal with TATA AIA Life. “Joining the Tata AIA family was a logical step for me. I firmly believe that there is a need to educate Indians, especially the youth, about the need for life insurance and to help them plan for their financial goals, at the right time,” Neeraj Chopra said about the partnership.